Parenthrive - Nurturing families, strengthening communities Raising Awareness on Family Law: A Collaborative Event at the Human Rights Commission in Kandy

On the 30th of May, Parenthrive, in collaboration with the Human Rights Commission in Kandy hosted a pivotal event focused on raising awareness about Family Law. The event, held at 2:00 p.m., brought together a diverse group of 25 attendees, including 21 representatives from various NGOs and members of the Human Rights Commission. The session was led by Mr. Viranjan Dias Sumanasekara, the Regional Coordinator of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (Kandy).


 Event Agenda

The agenda for the event was structured to maximize engagement and provide valuable insights to all participants. It included:

  1. Session on Family Law by Mr. Viranjan Dias Sumanasekara
  2. Brief on Parenthrive & Palladian
  3. Q&A and Networking Session


Highlights from the Session on Family Law

Mr. Viranjan Dias Sumanasekara delivered an enlightening session on Family Law, emphasizing the importance of understanding and enforcing these laws to protect family rights and welfare. The presentation was not only informative but also spurred a lively discussion among the attendees, highlighting various aspects of family law and its implications.


Overview of Parenthrive and Palladian

Following the legal session, the Parenthrive team provided a brief introduction to their initiatives, including the collaborative efforts with Palladian. This segment of the event aimed to showcase the resources and support systems available through Parenthrive, fostering interest among the attendees in potential collaborations.


Engaging in Q&A and Networking Sessions

The event concluded with a Q&A and networking session, allowing attendees to ask questions, share their experiences, and discuss potential collaborations. This interactive segment proved to be highly productive, paving the way for several promising connections.


Connections Gained


The networking session yielded significant interest in collaboration from various attendees. Notably:


- Mr. Viranjan Dias Sumanasekara expressed keen interest in connecting Parenthrive with all the NGO representatives present, enhancing trust and connectivity within the community.

- Psychologists showed interest in joining NurtureHub, bringing valuable expertise to the initiative.

- The Founder of Skill Institute (Walter International in Kandy), located in the Eastern Province, expressed a desire to mentor Tamil Clubs of Parenthrive and provide vocational training, adding a crucial skill development component to the program.

- Volunteers and Part-time Opportunity Seekers were eager to support Parenthrive's community initiatives, offering their time and skills.

- Women's Club NGO Representatives expressed interest in joining networks and conducting collaborative sessions. In return, they requested assistance from Parenthrive for revamping their website, indicating a mutually beneficial relationship.

- NGO Representatives offered to aid Parenthrive with material and experts for upcoming sessions, strengthening the resources available for future events.

The event at the Human Rights Commission in Kandy was a resounding success, effectively raising awareness on Family Law and fostering numerous connections that will support ongoing and future initiatives of Parenthrive. The collaborative spirit and eagerness to support one another demonstrated by the attendees highlight the potential for impactful community development and the advancement of social causes through collective effort. 

Parenthrive looks forward to nurturing these new relationships and continuing its mission to support and empower communities through education, resources, and collaborative initiatives.