Parenthrive - Nurturing families, strengthening communities Effective Ways to Discipline Your Children with Love: Horizon Circle Meetup

Parenthrive held its Horizon Circle Session on the 13th of July at the Ninewells Family Wellness Center. The discussion featured topics that were certainly impactful in modern-day parenting. The event was attended by Parenthrive members and parents who expressed a genuine interest and participated in the event as well. The enigmatic Maya Dissanayake conducted the session; as a counseling psychologist and Certified Life and Parenting Coach.


The session encapsulated the following points:

Disciplining children is one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. It's crucial to approach it with love and understanding rather than punishment. Here are effective strategies to discipline your children with love, ensuring their emotional well-being and fostering a positive parent-child relationship.


Understanding Why Children Misbehave

Children often misbehave because their needs are not met. Common causes include:

- Lack of sleep or feeling unwell

- Excessive screen time, anxiety, or stress

- Weak parent-child relationships

- Family issues such as marital discord

- Unreasonable expectations and lack of attention


Discipline vs. Punishment

Discipline is about teaching acceptable behavior and helping children develop long-term skills. Punishment, on the other hand, makes a child suffer for misbehavior without teaching better future conduct. Discipline fosters respect and understanding, while punishment can lead to fear, anxiety, and resentment.


The Negative Effects of Punishment

Punishment can lead to:

- Low self-esteem

- Increased power struggles

- Fear and resentment

- Lower academic performance

- Depression and anxiety


The Positive Effects of Discipline

Discipline promotes:

- Positive self-esteem

- Decreased power struggles

- Better relationships

- Increased academic achievement

- Independence and confidence


Common Parenting Mistakes

Some frequent mistakes parents make include:

  1. Yelling or inflicting physical pain
  2. Using timeouts ineffectively
  3. Treating older children only as financial dependents
  4. Taking negative behavior personally
  5. Persisting with ineffective strategies


Consequences of Yelling and Hitting

Yelling and hitting can make children defiant, dysregulated, defensive, and disconnected. These actions increase stress, anxiety, and depression in children.


Alternative Strategies to Manage Anger

Parents can manage their anger through:

- Deep breathing

- Counting backwards from 10

- Cooling down with water

- Minimizing conversation during heated moments

- Recognizing the child’s need for help


Connection Before Correction

A strong parent-child connection is essential for effective discipline. Children are more likely to respond positively to correction when they feel connected and understood by their parents.


Ways to Connect with Your Children

  1. Love unconditionally
  2. Validate their feelings
  3. Play together
  4. Spend distraction-free quality time
  5. Eat meals together without technology
  6. Show verbal and physical affection


Parenting Tools That Never Fail

  1. Educate yourself on parenting strategies
  2. Stay connected with your child
  3. Prioritize self-care


Parenting is a journey filled with challenges and rewards. By disciplining with love, parents can foster a supportive and nurturing environment, helping children grow into confident and responsible individuals.


The parents concluded the session after a heartfelt experience sharing sessions and many parents found the need to speak to Maya DIssananyake on their concerns as well. We’d like to thank the Ninewells staff and the Parenthrive team for their efforts. Special thanks to Maya Dissanayake for conducting the session on an incredibly timely and important topic in parenting and also thanking the Parenthrive members and other attendees who participated and contributed toward making the Horizon Circle Session a success. 


Join Parenthrive for more exciting and important sessions that cover parenting issues in aims of resolving and building connections!